Saturday, July 25, 2009

kite runner

had read "The kite runner" couple of months back.. and was lucky to catch the movie today on HBO.
Beautiful book and movie.. makes you really sad of what they have done to such a awesome place Afghanistan.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

tickets to tirupati booked

Booked tirupati tckts for sunday evening. This is a kstdc 1 day tour. It is really convinient way to go to tirupati. The tickets can be booked online at

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Harry Potter & 1/2 blood prince boring movie

Went with high expections for "harry potter and half blood prince" considering high imdb rating and critics ratings of 4/5.

But it turned out to be very boring, no fun at all. Nothing much happening throughout.. anyone thinking of seeing this movie, I would suggest reading the book instead.

Friday, July 17, 2009

And the oscar goes to ..

Me :) .. won the Oracle global service Oscar award Fy09 in "Above and Beyond" individual category.
Party time !!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

24 weekend marathon

got hold of 24 season 1 from a friend.. watched 13 episodes in 2 days. it is very engrossing, very hard to turn-off. waiting for next break when i can catch the next episode and see if jack is able to able to save teri.

Monday, July 13, 2009

newyork during weekend

Saw new-york (bollywood movie) on sunday, found it better than expected. definately worth a watch. liked the songs by pritam too, the background score is very nice.

oldie batman

Found this hilarious cartoon of old age batman and robin. check out some more old age heros here.

Friday, July 10, 2009

ready to get started

done with the initial setup now, i think it is time to get some serious blogging going, will be back soon.

Hello 1..2.. 3

Here i go with my first test blog :)